Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is at the heart of our education and values at Hodnet School and forms the basis for pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural education. Mental Health and wellbeing of children is of paramount importance to us as a school team. With the aim of creating happy, secure learning environments, where people feel respected, safe, valued and cared for.
Our weekly PSHE lessons focus on social, personal skills in addition to teaching key knowledge, values and principles. We use the nationally recognised programme of learning, 1Decision, to deliver high quality, sequenced and focused teaching.
Our PSHE lessons encourage children to reflect on their contribution and responsibility to their local community as well as their wider role in society. Strategies are developed for maintaining positive mental health and the importance of making healthy choices to support an active lifestyle is promoted, whilst raising awareness of situations that will require help. Children are equipped with an understanding of risk and the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions in an everchanging society. An adaptive curriculum will address world events in an age-appropriate manner to help children navigate thoughts and feelings. PSHE includes aspects of school life not confined to the classroom, therefore we provide our learners’ opportunities to make choices and decisions in the issues which affect our lives.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is part of our PSHE and Science curriculum. Through RSE lessons, learners will become confident in accepting changes to their body and emotions as they grow up. They will discuss different types of families and relationships and how to respect and nurture these. We use 1Decision and Respect Yourself as the basis of our RSE curriculum programme of study. In addition, we supplement our curriculum with specific work from the PSHE Association to support Drugs and Alcohol knowledge and understanding, and St Johns Ambulance materials for specific First Aid and safety teaching.
The overarching aim is to enable children to have a positive role in the global community whilst taking responsibility for their health and using informed judgements to stay safe.
1Decision website link –
Supporting Documents:
PSHE vision statement
PSHE Policy 2022-25
PSHE Knowledge organisers yr1-3
PSHE Knowledge Organisers Yr 4-6
PSHE and RSE progression overview Y1 to 6
PSHE 1decision-eyfs-early-learning-goals-mapping-document
PSHE 1 decision-pshe-programme-of-study-v3
RHSE Policy 318 Education Trust 2024
Mental Heath Intent statement