We are very fortunate at Hodnet school to have an onsite kitchen with a fantastic catering team who provide delicious meals cooked onsite daily.

Hodnet School provides a two course mid-day meal, which is cooked on the premises and offers good value for money. We promote healthy diets and source fresh, local food, using reputable suppliers through our catering management company WLP. Children will normally have a choice of at least two main courses and two desserts. Our latest menu can be found here.
Facilities are also available for children bringing in a healthy packed lunch. If parents wish for their child to have a packed lunch, the food must be in a lunchbox, which can hold sandwiches etc. and a drink in the same container. Please ensure that the lunch boxes do not contain nuts, juice, fizzy drinks or sweets.
As part of the Healthy School Initiative, children in Reception and Key Stage One classes will be provided with free fruit each day, we also encourage healthy snacks for older children. Older children can bring in their own fruit from home; healthy snacks only e.g. a piece of fruit, dried fruit or fruit bar.
In the summer term, our older children run a KS2 fruit shop at playtime.
Reception children are provided with free milk each day until they become 5 years old as per the current government initiative. All children have access to milk daily which can be arranged and paid for online via Cool Milk. We have a specific milk fridge for safe storage and Y6 milk monitors to ensure the milk is delivered to the correct children daily. Parents can register and pay via coolmilk.com, then the milk is delivered to school for their child.
Menu’s, payment details can be found over in our Parents’ Area on our Lunch Menu & Payment page.
Lunch Menu & Payment
Healthy Eating Policy