School Updates

Disco Reminder

Pupils in Reception, Yr1 and Yr2 can stay in school to get changed from 3.15 and 3.30. Please return slips to school with money in a named envelope. ...

Guinea Pigs are settling in!

Our delightful little ladies have enjoyed quite a few cuddles since joining us. We have noticed this week that they are starting to be more vocal and get a bit braver! Many of us have seen them eating or playing in their tunnel as we have walked past, they are ...

Christingle workshop

We send huge a thank you to members of the local church community who led a Christingle workshop for children after school this week. Many of the volunteers gave up their time to prepare and resource the workshop, which was informative, creative and fun. Children enjoyed finding out about the ...

Safety Crew Assembly

  Safety Crew Reps held a whole school assembly on Thursday to tell the school about the ideas/initiatives they have chosen for this term. In our meetings, they chose; no trip hazards in the corridors/classrooms, no running in school, keeping the track and nature clear of play equipment and not ...

Family Hub Coffee & Chat Tuesday 4th Feb 9am-12noon

Please see information below from the Family Hub team about the Coffee & Chat drop ins which will be available on the first Tuesday of every month. No booking is required. Please pop in to speak to the team for family advice and/or support. The first session is next Tuesday, ...

Guinea Pigs are here!

On Wednesday we went to pick the Guinea Pigs from Abbie’s Pets in Shrewsbury. We had spoken to the team there to arrange our visit, knowing that they were expecting the arrival of baby girls this week. Dolly and Reuben went to choose them with Mrs Lyall. As you can ...
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