Class R

2 days ago New Newsletter
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Katie Akers
Reception Teacher
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Emma Noden
Reception Teacher, EYFS Teaching & Learning lead
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Anna Freeman
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Kirsten Clasper
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Judy Jones
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Maxine Gregory
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Joanne MacCallum

Welcome to Class R

There are lots of adventures that we are going on together this Spring Term and we can’t wait to see where they all take us! What an exciting term we have planned.

We continue to go out to Forest Schools each Wednesday morning, please can children come into school wearing their Forest Schools kit. PE will continue to be on a Friday so children are asked to come to school wearing PE kit on a Friday please.

Reception Adventures – Spring Term 2025

Please see the link to our phonics parents workshop which we held in September if you feel you need support with phonics at home.

Hodnet Primary School phonics parents workshop 2024

Here are some links to useful phonics and reading documents which support the chosen phonics scheme at Hodnet School (Twinkl phonics).

An introduction to our Twinkl phonics scheme for parents

A guide to helping your child at home with phonics

A guide to helping your child write at home

A Guide to our Rhino readers reading books

Phase 3 Twinkl actions Phase Two Twinkl actions

Twinkl letter formation rhymes