‘Safeguarding is effective.’
‘Leaders have ensured that safeguarding arrangements are fit for purpose’.
‘Pupils feel safe and well cared for at school.’
Ofsted November 2018
Look, listen, be alert and be prepared to think the unthinkable…
At Hodnet Primary School, we provide a safe and secure atmosphere for pupils to learn and thrive. We pride ourselves on our welcoming, supportive and safe learning environment. Our Safeguarding principles and procedures were recognised by Ofsted as being effective and fit for purpose and we were praised by the inspector due to all our pupils feeling safe and well cared for.
We have three Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL’s)
• Mrs Penny Lyall (Headteacher) DSL
• Mrs Ceri Williams (Deputy Headteacher) Deputy DSL
• Miss Jenny Darmanin (Senior Teacher) Deputy DSL
Our Safeguarding link governor is
• Mrs Jen Rogers
Our Trust Safeguarding leads are
• Mrs Claire Jones & Mrs Sadie Howson
The curriculum content and direct teaching of safeguarding principles is mainly through our PSHE curriculum, our computing curriculum and via our in class and whole school assemblies.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is currently defined as: (Working Together 2023, KCSIE 2024)
Providing help and support to meet the needs of children as soon as problems emerge. Protecting children from maltreatment within or outside the home, including online. Preventing impairment of children’s health or development. Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes
Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm. It relates to aspects of school life including:
• Pupils’ health and safety
• The use of reasonable force as a duty of care
• Providing first aid
• Educational visits
• Intimate care
• Internet/Online safety
• Making appropriate arrangements to ensure school security
• Meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions
Safer Recruitment:
Safer Recruitment is integral to maintaining a safe and secure learning environment.
Safeguarding all our children is of paramount importance to us therefore, all necessary risk assessments are carried out prior to any activity. Enhanced DBS checks are carried out when recruiting new staff or volunteers. When welcoming visitors we check whether they have a DBS and carefully monitor their contact with children according to the regulated activity rules in the DBS guidelines. We are a “Safer School” and at least one member of staff and governors who are involved in the recruitment process have attended “Safer Recruitment Training.” New staff are made aware of all the related Safeguarding documents including the Child Protection policy as part of the induction process and all staff receive Child Protection Awareness training regularly.
What to do if you have concerns
If you have concerns about the safeguarding or welfare of a child or a vulnerable adult you can seek advice firstly via our school DSL’s or through contacting the Shropshire First Point of Contact team (FPOC) on: 0345 6789021
• If you are in immediate danger call 999
• Childline can be accessed on 0800 11 11
• NSPCC can be accessed on 0808 800 5000
Safeguarding information leaflet for adults and the leaflet for children.
Safeguarding process of action:
In school all staff follow our procedures as set out in our Policy. If staff have a safeguarding or child protection concern, this is shared with the DSL’s. The concerns are then actioned by the DSL team. All records are kept on our electronic system, CPOMS.
• If a concern needs to be raised with the Local Authority Safeguarding team, our DSL’s do this through contacting the initial contact team, who then triage the concerns.
• If the concerns meet threshold for assessment, further investigations take place and plans put into place to support the child and family.
• If there is an immediate safeguarding concern which requires a social work assessment or a police joint assessment and there are concerns regarding a pupils’ welfare, we follow the guidance set by the LA team to keep the child safe from harm.
• Targeted Early Help may be required to support he family, if this is the case a referral and whole family assessment takes place.
• Other professional services may be recommended, this will then also involve a referral process and often require parental consent.
• If the thresholds for support are not met, then the child will continue to be monitored in school and chronologies kept up to date of any concerns.
Please see the video below which outlines the process of support within Shropshire.
Early Help
Early Help was re-launched in July 2024 as part of our focus on early intervention and prevention. The Early Help website has been updated and can be found here. The webpages also include full details of E-HAST (Early Help and Support Team) which is a single point of contact for partner agencies, children, young people and their families, focused on making sure that the right support is put in place as soon as it is needed.
Preventing Radicalisation
At Hodnet School we assess the risk of our school community in terms of likelihood and risk of becoming involved in extremism. All staff and governors are trained in line with government advice and guidance in the Prevent Duty. We teach our children to be tolerant of all beliefs and ensure that our children have a firm understanding of the British Values (see our values page for more information). If staff are concerned that children or family members may be drawn into radicalisation, there are specific procedures to follow through the correct channels to alert a multi agency response. If you would like any further information about this, please see Mrs Lyall, Headteacher and DSL. Please see the Act Early website for more information about how families can look out for potential warning signs that young people are becoming or have the potential to become involved in extremist organisations.
Operation Encompass
At Hodnet School we work with professionals through the Operation Encompass alert system. This means that school is alerted to any domestic incidents which have been reported within the family home. School is made aware of these incidents so that we can be informed and prepared before the child comes into school, enabling us to meet their emotional needs and provide support where needed. Please see the Operation Encompass website for more information.
Please also see links below to the regional safeguarding team in the West Midlands. They have included recent information about child to parent abuse.
Links to useful websites below:
Shropshire Safeguarding Community Partnership website
Child Exploitation Shropshire website (TREES)
NSPCC website
Operation Encompass website
CEOP (child exploitation and online protection) website
Childline website
Think U Know information
NSPCC Pants programme & underwear rule
Shropshire School Nursing team website
Relevant policies and Information:
Safeguarding statement
Safeguarding Child Protection Policy 2024-25
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
EVC School Policy 2023-2024
KCSIE Whistleblowing-Policy- Nov 2023-25
KCSIE Document 2024