Class 6

2 days ago New Newsletter
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Miss Jenny Darmanin
Class 6 Teacher, SLT, DHT, Safeguarding DDSL
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Alison Clarkson

Welcome to Class 6

Welcome to the new school year in Class 6.

PE days are scheduled for every Monday and Wednesday this term, but please ensure kits are in school all week as these may change. Trainers are required all week to enable children to participate in the daily run.

Music lessons are planned for every Friday, so please ensure the Dood instruments are in school on Fridays.


Whilst we are aware that the children are very busy and need time to relax, socialise and play, homework will help them to develop independence and time management. Daily reading 10 minutes.
Daily spellings and times tables.
Spellings will be sent home on Mondays, but please ensure the spelling folders are in school daily. Test  will usually be completed on Fridays.
Weekly homework tasks do vary but will usually consist of Maths and English. The children are encouraged to ask for support, if needed, either at home or school and can also attend the homework club, which takes place on Wednesday lunchtimes.

Please use Rollama, and EdShed to support learning – there are lots of games which to help the children to revise what they have already been taught.
Please use TTRockstars to help to develop accuracy and speed of times tables.
Logins can be found in reading journals.

Class 6 Topic Web Autumn 2024