Class 4

Yesterday New Newsletter
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Katrina Huxtable
Class 4 Teacher
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Joanna Mason
TA / Pastoral intervention lead
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Jane Rhoden

Welcome to Class 4

Our topic this term is ‘Ancient Maya and Mountains.’

PE days are scheduled for every Tuesday and Thursday this term, but please ensure kits are in school all week as these may change. Trainers are required all week to enable children to participate in the daily run.


Whilst we are aware that the children are very busy and need time to relax, socialise and play, homework will help them to develop independence and time management. Daily reading 10 minutes
Daily spellings 10 minutes
Spellings sent home on Wednesdays, folder to be returned on Tuesdays. Practise games on spellingshed (focus Y3&4 statutory spelling list).
Daily Times Table practice. 5 minutes quick recall verbally with a grown up also TTRS or Hit the button games.
Weekly English reading journal task – 2/3 activities per week. Sent home on Thursdays due back by Wednesday.