We are proud to be part of The 3-18 Education Trust.
The Trust value staff as their greatest asset, they provide us with expert central services & high quality School Improvement, they provide lots of opportunities for staff and children by bringing schools together and they understand what makes Hodnet School a special and unique place.
The Trust Central Team are based at Bowbrook Primary School.
You can contact them here:
The 3-18 Education Trust
Bowbrook Primary School
Squinter Pip Way
t: 01743 812318
e: info@318education.co.uk
Or visit their website: https://www.3-18education.co.uk/
The 3-18 Education Trust – A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales number: 08064698. Exempt Charity.
Registered Office: Bowbrook Primary School, Squinter Pip Way, Bowbrook, Shrewsbury, England, SY5 8PY