Computing is taught to all year groups weekly using the nationally recognised progressive curriculum, Teach Computing. The lesson sequences build upon prior learning and knowledge and cover key topics of the computing National Curriculum including online safety.
Our computing curriculum aims for all pupils to have access to an excellent computing education which supports them in the acquisition of knowledge, encourages collaboration, and uses a multi-sensory approach to learning. We aim to develop confidence and skills and give all children a great foundation in computing, which will open up the possibility of going on to have careers within computing and enable them to make effective use of computing in their everyday lives. Our children will be taught to use technology responsibly and carefully, being mindful of how their behaviour, words and actions can affect others. They will gain experience and skills of a wide range of technology to enhance their learning opportunities, enabling them to use technology creatively and effectively across a range of subjects.
From September 2024 we have refined our computing curriculum, finding that some of the units can be taught in parallel or sequence. We have also added core skills so the curriculum pathway to ensure that a key progression of vital computing skills is included into our curriculum offer. These skills will be taught discretely and through links with other subjects. Such as using Word to complete written accounts in humanities or English or PowerPoint when presenting data.
Teach Computing website link –
Supporting Documents:
Computing -Progression-Pathways-with-CT-refs (2)
Computing progression 2024 onwards
Computing Policy 2022-25
Computing long term plan updated 2024
Computing vision intent statement
Computing curriculum sticky facts using NC and Teach Computing