Hodnet is a close and supportive community. The village has an interesting history and has many Tudor properties and historical features.
Gerald Mothershaw and Steve Howell-Jones have published books providing an interesting insight into historical local knowledge.
• A brief History of Hodnet Township from 1066, Gerald Mothershaw. 2000
• Hodnet in Wartime through the eyes of a child, Gerald Mothershaw. 2001
• Hodnet. A rummage through the 20th Century by Gerald Mothershaw and Steve Howell-Jones, 2004.
Please use the links below to access village information and current events. Hodnet.og.uk has a wealth of information, including historical and current information, the website is run by volunteers and sponsored by the parish council.
Hodnet village website – www.hodnet.org.uk
Hodnet parish Council – www.shropshire.gov.uk/committee-services/mgParishCouncilDetails.aspx?ID=609
St Luke’s Church, Hodnet – www.achurchnearyou.com/church/4323/
Hodnet Hall and Gardens – www.hodnethallgardens.org
Brownies and guides – www.girlguidingshropshire.org.uk
Beavers, cubs and scouts – www.scouts.org.uk/groups/10014789?loc=TF9%203NS&slug=2nd-Hodnet