Many of our children qualify for transport from villages further afield than the village of Hodnet. If you live in or near, for example, Cold Hatton, Peplow, Marchamley or Wollerton, the LA currently provide transport to and from Hodnet. The LA will also arrange transport from other locations subject to their distance policy.
Mrs O’Connor, the school administrator, can provide you with an application form and further details if you require this.
Transport Application Form
We encourage walking, cycling or scooting to school and have a dedicated bike and scooter rack on our secure playground for bikes and scooters to be left throughout the school day. We appreciate that many of our families come from further afield and therefore are unable to walk from home, but we do encourage parking and walking to alleviate traffic on the main road outside school. We have an agreement with Hodnet WMC who kindly enable parents to park on their car park at school drop off and pick up times. There is a dedicated path from the WMC into school, again this is a local agreement with the landowners of the field to enable the children to have a safe route to school.