Religious Education (RE) is part of our basic curriculum and is taught through our daily acts of collective worship in addition to weekly lessons using the locally agreed Shropshire Agreed Syllabus.
In our diverse world it is essential that learners at Hodnet have the skills and knowledge to understand beliefs and faiths and approach difference viewpoints with an open mind.
Our RE curriculum enables children to reflect on important questions of identity, faith, meaning and belonging. We celebrate diversity through teaching an acceptance of and respectful tolerance of different faiths. We will equip our learners with a coherent understanding of religious and non-religious views through an exploratory approach.
Our progressive RE curriculum engages learners, challenges their thinking and encourages reflection though a big question approach.
Supporting Documents:
RE vision statement
RE policy 2022 25
RE SHROPSHIRE Agreed Syllabus
RE progression of knowledge using LA syllabus 2022 26
RE long term plan using LA syllabus 2022 26
RE Curriculum Essential Knowledge sticky facts