Hodnet Primary School aims to provide the best possible education, recognising that every child is special and has individual needs and abilities.
“Pupils who have special educational needs make similar progress to their peers. Any needs are swiftly identified on entry to the school and an individual programme of learning is developed to support pupils, which is shared with parents. The local authority has recognised with an award the good provision for this group of pupils.”
(Ofsted November 2013)
On this page, you will find up to date and relevant information about our SEND provision.
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)
The needs of all children are supported at Hodnet Primary School including those with SEND. Additional and/or different provision is currently being made in school for children with a range of needs, including the four areas of SEND:
• cognition and learning – Moderate learning difficulties; Specific learning difficulties including speech, language and communication needs
• sensory and physical/medical needs
• communication and interaction difficulties.
• social, emotional and mental health needs
What we offer children with SEND is different for every child and it is important to emphasise that as much as possible, this provision is designed by the relevant staff members working alongside the child, the child’s family and, where necessary, outside agencies.
A child with SEND will have an Assess/Plan/Do/Review provision map which sets out the interventions that are currently being worked on and what additional provision is put in place for that child. The content of the provision map is agreed upon, as appropriate, with the child and the parents in termly meetings when targets are reviewed and new ones set as progress is made. A child with SEND will also have a one-page pupil profile where their thoughts, feeling, goals and ambitions are explored and recorded.
Identification and Assessment of pupils with SEND?
A Variety of different ways are employed at Hodnet Primary School to assess if a child or young person has special educational needs.
These include, but are not limited to, the following:
information from parents and carers
in-class observations
information from previous schools or settings
teacher assessment
listening to the child
specialised assessments carried out by the Learning Support Advisory Teacher (LSAT)
results from end of Key Stage assessments
discussions with a range of adults who work with the child in school
school tracking systems indicate a lack of expected progress
outside agencies such as BeeU (formerly CAMHS), Woodlands Outreach, NHS/School Nurse, Occupational Health Services, Shropshire Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Therapy, Sensory Inclusion Service.
Supporting and Reporting to Parents
Schools are required to publish the services that are available for all children as part of the reforms to SEND and The Children and Families Act 2014. The Information Report below is published to provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available in our school. It is also to enable parents and carers to further develop their integral role in the provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Our staff attend relevant training to support pupils with SEN such as Speech and Language training, supporting a deaf child, Autism awareness training, we also work with external agencies through the Local Authority.
Shropshire Local Offer.
Are you a parent carer of a child or young person who is on SEN support or has an EHCP? Shropshire’s SEND Local Offer has lots of information, support and resources for parents/carers of children with SEND including education, EHCPs, health and wellbeing, early help, family support, financial support, transport, things to do and lots more.
Take a look at the local offer website on the following link: www.shropshire.gov.uk/the-send-local-offer
Special Educational Needs and Disability Experience Survey
A request from the Shropshire SEND team:
‘We are asking parent carers to tell us about their experiences of using Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) services over the last six months so we can monitor the impact of the actions they are taking to improve the support available.
To help inform our plan, we first put out this survey in summer 2023 and again in the spring of 2024. The results and actions taken following the surveys can be found here.
We are interested in whether your experiences of SEND services over the last 6 months met your individual or family needs, and whether you are aware of the full range of support available in relation to neurodiversity, speech, language and communication needs and Education, Health and Care Plans.
Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey. Your responses are anonymous, and we are not able to link them to you. Your feedback will only be used to help improve our services, and not for any other purpose.
To have your say, click here .‘
The Passenger Transport Team have produced a useful flyer outlining the types of
assistance available to support families where their child or young person has SEND. The flyer covers the most common questions received from schools and families regarding transport assistance. Should you have any further questions, please contact Special.Transport.Team@Shropshire.gov.uk who will be able to respond.
Medical Needs
In addition to educational needs we will support children in school who have medical needs. We work closely with parents/carers to complete an IHCP (an Individual Health Care Plan) in order that we can identify need and support all children with the best possible care and provision. Our school is on one level (single storey) and has a large accessible facility for wheelchair access and changing.
Where additional training for staff is required, we work with the Health Authority or relevant agencies to ensure our staff are able to meet the needs of all children. eg) Epi-pen training, Diabetes testing and injecting, asthma training and First Aid. Prescription medication can be administered in school and parents should speak to the administrator and complete a medicines form.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities coordinator is Mrs Ceri Williams, who holds the most recent National Award for SEND. She leads and works in collaboration with other members of staff on the SEND coordination team. The team includes Mrs Penny Lyall who also has the National Award for SEN Coordination (NASC) and Mrs Jo Mason. If you would like to discuss your child’s needs, please contact our school administrator to make an appointment. Alternatively, you can contact Mrs Williams directly via email at senco@hod.318education.co.uk or via school on 01630 685300.
SEND Shropshire Council Newsletters
October 2024 Newsletter
November 2024 newsletter
Supporting Documents:
Accessibility Plan 2022 to 2025
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy 2024
Equality Objectives 2024
Intimate Care Policy 2023 25
Hodnet SEND School Offer
SEND Information Report 2024
SEND 3-18 Policy-Sept-2024 – Aug-2025
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions 2023 -2024
Administering Medication policy March 2024-2026
Useful websites and links:
Shropshire School Nursing team
Shropshire Local Offer
Shropshire Family Information Directory
Autism West Midlands