At Hodnet School, all children are required to wear school uniform. Our standard dress is simple and creates a sense of pride and belonging to the school. Our school colour is royal blue.
At Hodnet we aim to: –
• ensure that clothing is appropriate for all activities in school;
• avoid unpleasant comparisons or competition over clothes;
• ensure that clothing does not detract from schoolwork.
School Uniform requirement:
• School royal blue sweatshirt or royal blue cardigan
• White or pale blue shirt, blouse or polo shirt
• Grey or black trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore
• Blue and white “school type” summer dress (checked design)
• Black flat shoes (suitable for outdoor play) boots are not permitted
Specific uniform items are ordered and purchased directly by parents via Stitch Design (sweatshirt, cardigan, optional waterproof coat, PE bag, Book bag) These are then delivered to the home address. Please see their website for more details.
Please note the following items are not permitted as school uniform items:
• Trainers, varied sportswear (including football shirts and socks) jeans, leggings, tracksuit bottoms, beachwear, cropped or sleeveless T-shirts
Jewellery and hair
Small ear studs and wristwatches may be worn but children will be asked to remove them themselves for PE lessons. Make-up and any other jewellery other than the above mentioned are not permitted. Long hair should be tied back for school. Large bows or headbands are discouraged.
PE kit:
• Blue or black indoor shorts and white T shirt
• Outdoor trainers
• Blue or black tracksuit in cold weather.
Please note – black indoor PE shoes/pumps ARE NOT REQUIRED as bare feet are better for grip when inside.
All items of clothing or equipment should be marked with the child’s name.
Children need to bring a small bag to school to carry their reading books and homework books in addition to their water bottle, no additional equipment is needed.
Uniform Policy 2024 26
Buying Uniform
You can find out more about buying uniform on the uniform shop page of our Parents’ Area:
Uniform Shop