Music is taught weekly in Key Stages One and Two building upon prior learning. We follow the Charanga Music Scheme to support our Curriculum offer. We also work with the local authority music service to continue to enhance our curriculum offer through musical instrument tuition to whole classes. This follows a natural progression through school. Children learn the Penny Whistle in KS1, followed by the Recorder in Y3&4 (taught by school staff) then the Dood in Y5 as an introduction to reed playing instruments and a natural progression from the recorder to the clarinet.
Our music curriculum aims to encourage our children to develop an interest, enthusiasm and love of music, with the underpinning goal of developing a heightened sense of wellbeing as a result. Children at our school will be encouraged to hear music all around them in their everyday experiences and find joy in this.
Music enables children to explore emotions, imagination, creativity and develop self-confidence. We believe that music appreciation is an important aspect of this as well as musical performance of any scale. Children will have the opportunities to create, compose and evaluate music. They will explore and learn musical skills which they will develop as they move through our school.
Children will leave Hodnet Primary School with a love of singing, appreciating music from different genres, cultures, and time periods and with a variety of different musical experiences and skills.
In addition to our music curriculum, musical experiences and enrichment on offer at Hodnet school include:
- Individual lessons taught by the specialist LA music teachers. These lessons are paid for privately by families* and are either individual or in small groups. Instruments on offer are piano, keyboard, guitar, ukulele, drums. See the Shropshire Music Service website for more information or contact school.
- Rock Steady band sessions taught by Rock Steady specialist music team. These lessons are paid for privately by families* and are taught in a group ‘band’. See the Rock Steady website for more information or contact school.
- Our school choir – Mrs Bessant leads our school choir, they meet weekly and enjoy performing termly for school and parents. See Mrs Bessant for more information.
*Please contact school if your child is eligible for pupil premium funding as bursaries and grants are available to subsidise these payments.
Supporting Documents:
Music Policy 2022-2025
Music Vision Statement
Music Curriculum Long Term Plan Overview using Charanga
Music Charanga Knowledge, Skills and Learning Progression in a Spiral Curriculum
Model Music Curriculum Key Stage 1&2