If your child needs to access home learning due to a period of absence or they have covid and are not unwell, they will need to access the online learning materials provided by school.
We use two platforms to share learning; Seesaw and Tapestry. Seesaw is used predominantly from class 1 to class 6 and Tapestry is mainly used by Reception, however KS1 also use Tapestry. All parents have a Tapestry login, all children have a Seesaw login, this is a code and is usually located in their personal reading diary.
If you have any queries regarding our remote learning offer or are having difficulty accessing the materials, please contact school.
Go to Seesaw
All children will have homework to complete weekly. This is a mixture of English based and Maths work. All children are expected to read at home at least 4 times per week and a record of this reading should be recorded in reading diaries. Classes 1 to 6 have weekly spellings to complete and will have specific times tables to practise.
Please find below a list of the times tables the individual year groups need to practice weekly. There is also some websites that may be useful to help your children with practising their times tables.
Times Tables Expectations
At specific times in the term there may also be a project based activity related to class topics.
Please see our homework policy below for further information.
Supporting Documents:
Remote learning Policy 2023-24
Homework Policy March 2023- 2026