Class 3

2 days ago New Newsletter
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Beth Davies
TA/Class 4 Teacher Thur, Fri
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Mrs Ceri Williams
Class 3 Teacher, DHT, SLT, Safeguarding DDSL, SENCO
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Lara Chaplin
Class 3 Teacher & Intervention Teacher
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Judy Jones
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Angela Roberts

Welcome to Class 3

Our History and Geography themes this term is ‘Stone Age to Iron Age’ and ‘Food and Farming.’

Swimming happens on Mondays this half term and PE day is every Tuesday. Please ensure PE kits are in school all week as these may change. Trainers are required all week to enable children to participate in the daily run.


Whilst we are aware that the children are very busy and need time to relax, socialise and play, a small amount of homework will help them to develop independence and time management. Regular tasks set on Times Tables Rock Stars and a weekly task (Maths or English) – 30 minutes. Sent home on Friday due back on Wednesday.
Times Tables to continue to practice and learn – 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s and 8s
Daily reading 10 minutes
Daily spellings 10 minutes doing Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check.
Spellings sent home on Monday, in on Friday. Test Friday.

Curriculum Information Sheet for Parents Year 3 Autumn 2024