We’ve had a really productive week focussing on online safety. Many classes joined the live lessons and children had two detailed online safety focussed assemblies looking at scams, online relationships, strangers and personal data sharing.
Posts will be on class pages, an overview of what has been covered or produced this week:
YR – found out about smarty the penguin and child friendly searches. They learned a signed tag telling them to stop, click and think, stop and tell adults.
Y1 – found out about the pop up gremlin through stories and learned to ‘stop, close, tell’.
Y2 – explored different scam scenarios, they explored what to share and not share, they discussed trusted adults and learned about what to trust and not trust.
Y3 – discussed how to stay safe online and what to do with a problem pop up or something unusual.
Y4 – learned about scams from the live lesson, they discussed how to keep themselves safe and what to do with a problem. The also found out about phishing.
Y5 – focussed on online relationships, how do we know people are who they say they are, ways of communicating politely. They have created posters about their learning.
Y6 – found out about phishing, they found this fascinating and have learned lots about how easy it is to become caught. They have produced comic strips using storyboard to showcase their online safety learning from this week.