Parents evenings

A reminder that parents evenings are on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th March. Information has been sent out via parent pay about how to book online via SchoolsCloud. See the letter and link below. Please book your slots before bookings close on Friday 28th March at 4pm.

Parents evening letter Spring 2025

Class 4 homework projects

A huge well done to the children in Y4 and their families who have supported them with this extended homework task.  I had the pleasure of watching some of the presentations and finding out about how they had done their research and delivered their findings. Well done class 4, you should all feel very proud of your effort and achievements.

Mrs Lyall

Guinea Pig names

Welcome Biscuit and Fudge!

Biscuit aptly named due to her coloured coat, she is great at nibbling, so a fitting name.

Fudge named for her shiny black coat and fudge like facial markings.


A huge thank you to everyone who entered the naming competition, the two names were chosen yesterday by the central team at the 318 Trust. We also picked out 16 children for their excellent effort with drawings or creative explanations. They each received an applause and a Headteacher shout out sticker in achievement assembly today.

Well done to the children who were picked as winners – great names!

Online Safety

We’ve had a really productive week focussing on online safety. Many classes joined the live lessons and children had two detailed online safety focussed assemblies looking at scams, online relationships, strangers and personal data sharing.

Posts will be on class pages, an overview of what has been covered or produced this week:

YR – found out about smarty the penguin and child friendly searches. They learned a signed tag telling them to stop, click and think, stop and tell adults.

Y1 – found out about the pop up gremlin through stories and learned to ‘stop, close, tell’.

Y2 – explored different scam scenarios, they explored what to share and not share, they discussed trusted adults and learned about what to trust and not trust.

Y3 – discussed how to stay safe online and what to do with a problem pop up or something unusual.

Y4 – learned about scams from the live lesson, they discussed how to keep themselves safe and what to do with a problem. The also found out about phishing.

Y5 – focussed on online relationships, how do we know people are who they say they are, ways of communicating politely. They have created posters about their learning.

Y6 – found out about phishing, they found this fascinating and have learned lots about how easy it is to become caught. They have produced comic strips using storyboard to showcase their online safety learning from this week.

Celebrating Success. Book Worm 14.2.25

Well done to everyone who received awards or shoutouts this week, we are very proud of you.

Today we celebrated reading in our celebration assembly, with praise for lots of children for their reading at home and reading throughout the curriculum in school.

  • Class R – Kai
  • Class 1 – Hattie
  • Class 2 – Henry
  • Class 3 – Ilaria
  • Class 4 – Leo
  • Class 5 – Olivia
  • Class 6 – Nate

Congratulations to all our chosen Book Worms, your reading at home and school was excellent this week.

Remember to keep up those good reading habits.

Celebrating Success. Certificate of Achievement 14.2.25

Well done to everyone who received awards or shout outs today. We are very proud of you.

  • Class R – Oliver L for always demonstrating our school values, being ready to learn and extending his learning. 
  • Class 1 – Robyn for her super attitude to independent work, always pushing herself to do more.
  • Class 2 – Emilie for her fantastic descriptive poetry and working hard to be creative. Well done.
  • Class 3 – Myles for working hard to improve his writing and handwriting, excellent news well done.
  • Class 4 – Sennen for being an amazing member of Hodnet school who will be sadly missed. We know he will spread joy and happiness in his new class and will be an asset to his new school. Best wishes for the future.
  • Class 5 – Finn for trying very hard in all areas, especially in maths and for putting up his hand to contribute more.
  • Class 6 – Ollie for his hardworking attitude, perseverance and much improved reading fluency. Well done.
  • KS1/EY Headteacher award – William in class R for being a kind friend and a super learner.
  • KS2 Headteacher award – Amelia in class 3 for being organised, helpful and a kind and thoughtful friend.
  • Lunchtime award – Thomas in class 1 for being polite.
  • Raffle ticket – Rowan in class 1.

Weekly House Points 14.2.25

Weekly house point totals are:

Owls = 138

Badgers = 148

Squirrels = 158

Foxes = 162

Well done to the Foxes  team this week.


Rock Steady

Rock Steady lessons will be on Mondays after half term, we have made this change to enable us to keep Dan as our school band leader, as he will no longer work on Fridays. The lessons will start earlier on Mondays, with one band being asked to attend school ready for an 8.30am lesson. The Rock Steady team will be providing information about this directly to parents. To my knowledge this is Band C, also known as The banana splits! Children in Band C should be at school ready for the 8.30am start on Mondays, starting the first week back after half term. Please can children come in via the main school lobby, Mrs O’Connor will let them in and register them. If you have any queries regarding this please see the Rock Steady team. Thank you for your cooperation.

Mrs Lyall.

Internet safety enrichment week next week

Next week we will be covering this essential safeguarding element of our curriculum. Children will be off their usual timetable in the afternoons to cover internet safety. The internet is a powerful, rich resource that we rely upon for so many systems and functions in our daily life, however it has many potential dangers that we must educate our children about in order to keep them safe.

Safer internet day is on Tuesday which we plan to mark through our safety assembly and sharing some resources based on the theme of too good to be true, protecting from internet scams. We will ensure that we are covering the dangerous elements of online gaming and/or use of chat rooms, as some of our children have shared that they have played against and/or chatted to people that they didn’t know. This is something that we we regularly refer to as being dangerous, however we feel that more reminders are needed to highlight the potential dangers of this to make families and children more aware. Through our online safety teaching we aim to deepen the children’s understanding of the potential for scams, risks and the potential for harm. We aim to  make them see that unfortunately not everyone is who they say they are, and that our children need to know the skills to keep themselves safe. 

Some links and information about safer internet day are below:

Safer Internet Day 2025 – UK Safer Internet Centre

Safer Internet Day 2025: Teaching resources – BBC Teach

Safer Internet Day 2025 | Internet Matters


Our computing subject website page and safeguarding website page have further useful links.

Half term activities

Some activities/events that we have been made aware of are:

Love of Oswestry Festival – We have a lot of free half term events happening in Oswestry as part of our Love Oswestry Festival. These include puppet workshops, Drumming sessions, Felt workshops and lots of family activities all leading up to our lantern festival on the Saturday that may interest your pupils and their families.
















Ford Hall Farm – Marvellous Mushrooms Trail. Link for more information

Puppet team workshops at Childs Ercall Church

Places advertising ‘kids eat free’ or similar deals: