Positive Mental Health week – Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

In Healthy Mind, Healthy Body week each class focussed on positive mental health and ways to keep ourselves healthy. All children have been working with Katie, The Happiness Trainer over a period of four weeks, to learn specific techniques to promote positive self esteem and to begin to develop an awareness of their own emotions and how to self regulate. This week Katie led a workshop for Parents to help them to support children at home. Katie also led a staff well-being sessions and staff meeting to support staff with their own emotions and ways to further support children in their class. 

This week we had a visit from the Air ambulance training pod. The team demonstrated the importance of the air ambulance and provided patient accounts of the need to help people to get to hospital quickly. 

The NSPCC came to school to deliver their annual whole school safeguarding assemblies to raise awareness of speaking out to stay safe, including PANTS. They also worked with our oldest children on specific programmes to keep them safe online and within their communities.