Celebrating Success. Certificate of Achievement at Church 11.7.24
Well done to everyone who received awards yesterday in church. We are very proud of you.
The termly certificates of achievement go to:
- Class R – Isla, for being a role model to others through her attitude to learning.
- Class 1 – Harley-Mark, for his increased confidence and his mature attitude to learning.
- Class 2 – William, for always trying his best, persevering and showcasing our school values.
- Class 3 – Beatrice N, for being a superstar in all areas! An amazing writer and a kind friend.
- Class 4 – Harrison H, for his progress and positive attitude to learning this year.
- Class 5 – Arthur G, for following our school values and always trying his best.
- Class 6 – Caitlyn, for being an asset to our team, an outstanding role model to others.
- Headteachers KS1 – Emma in class 2, for her hard work and perseverance this term.
- Headteachers KS2 – Sam in class 6, for his outstanding work attitude and his kindness to others. An asset to our school.
- Headteachers special – Finn in class 6, for outstanding progress in Reading this year, for never giving up and showing determination to succeed.
- Lunchtime award – Hannah in class R for having wonderful manners.
- Raffle ticket – George in class 1.
Celebrating Success. Value and special awards in Church 11.7.24
Well done to everyone who received awards yesterday in church. We are very proud of you.
The termly value awards and special awards go to:
- Respect Award – Harry B in class 2, for being respectful, cheerful and a joy around school.
- Resilience Award – Jake in class R, for growing in confidence and showcasing an excellent attitude to his learning.
- Responsibility Award – Harriet in class 4, for her super attitude to learning and being responsible for her learning.
- Music and Performing Arts Award – Amelia in class 2 for her commitment, effort and ability when playing the penny whistle and her enjoyment in choir.
Celebrating Success. Sporting Value Awards in Church 11.7.24

Well done to everyone who received awards yesterday in church. We are very proud of you.
The termly sporting value awards go to:
- Teamwork – Bethan in class 6, for encouraging all members of the rounders team.
- Passion – Rupert in class 1, for showing commitment and passion to all sports.
- Self-belief – Leah in class3, for her fantastic confidence in dance.
- Honesty – Nate in class 5, for always being encouraging and fair.
- Respect – Sam in class 4, for being a good team player.
- Determination – Millie B in class 6, for her have a go attitude.
- Perseverance – Charlotte B in class 2, for never giving up.
Thanks to the Activsports team and staff members for their nominations.
Weekly House Points 11.7.24
Weekly house point totals are:
Owls = 93
Badgers = 160
Squirrels = 163
Foxes = 142
Well done to the Squirrels team.
Lunch menu.
Next week is week 1
There are some changes next week:
- Wednesday will not be Roast Dinner day, instead it will be the Y6 leavers special chosen lunch. They have chosen: Burgers, hot dogs, vegi dogs, chips, sweetcorn, beans and cookies for pudding.
Follow the link to see the menu
Hodnet School Menu
ActivSports changes
With mixed emotions we share that Miss Rowson is leaving us next week as our ActivSports Sports Coach. We will be very sad to see her go, she has been a part of our school community for many years and is a superb coach. But, we are pleased for her as she is taking on a new role as a full time Sports Coach in a large school in Telford. A job which I’m sure she will excel at. We will miss her greatly, I’m sure you will all join with us in wishing her the very best of luck for the future.
The coach replacing Miss Rowson is Mr Woods. He has been to work alongside Miss Rowson last week and has met the classes. He will lead one of our weekly PE sessions for classes 1, 2, 5, & 6 in September. Mr Roberts with lead a weekly session for classes 3 & 4. Class teachers will lead the other weekly sessions as they do currently.
Reminder of events next week
Please see a list of upcoming diary dates below and the link to the diary dates on the school website
- 15th July – Y5 trip to Bishops Wood
- 15th July – Y6 Retreat day at St Peters Church
- 15th July – Y6 rounders team final after school *
- 15th – 19th July – work experience students in school
- 16th July – Y5 secondary experience day at Grove school
- 17th July – Y6 performance 6pm
- 18th July – Y6 trip to West Mids Safari Park
- 19th July – Y6 leavers assembly 9am, Y6 parents welcome
- 19th July – Break up for the summer holidays.
Uniform bank, lost property and old books in need of a new home will be displayed on the playground next week weather permitting. Lost property will not be kept when we break up, it will be donated. Please come and have a look and feel free to take items.
*The rounders match will be confirmed on Monday lunchtime – the weather isn’t looking great, so a provisional date has been set for Wednesday afternoon 2-4pm at Market Drayton Junior School. We will confirm any changes when we are updated by the team organising this final. School staff can transport pupils on Wednesday if this is the chosen date. More information to follow.
Dates for the new academic year:
- Monday 2nd September – PD day, school closed to pupils
- Tuesday 3rd September – New school term starts for all pupils.
Contacting wraparound
If there are any changes to collection times or any urgent messages for the wraparound staff, please leave a message on our main school answer phone if phoning after 4pm. The staff check the messages periodically so should receive them, but there is not always someone available to answer the phone after 4pm.
Thank you.
Our whole school attendance target for this year was 96%. Many of our children have managed to achieve this or exceed it. Well done to those pupils and families. Our current whole school attendance is 96.5%
- 17 pupils have achieved 100% attendance. A fantastic achievement.
- 46 pupils achieved 98% or more, again a brilliant achievement, all above target.
- 112 pupils achieved our target of 96% or above. Well done everyone.
Overall attendance sorted by class:
- Class 1 with 97.51%
- Class R with 96.94%
- Class 2 with 96.46%
- Class 6 with 95.87%
- Class 3 with 95.79%
- Class 5 with 95.5%
- Class 4 with 94.98%
A huge well done to our youngest learners, Reception and KS1 who collectively achieved or exceeded our target. The majority of our KS2 collectively were very close to target and by the power of rounding would achieve it.
Attendance will remain a whole school focus for 2024/25, as we are still quite a way below pre-pandemic attendance levels. Missed sessions are missed learning. These create gaps for our children, which are proving very difficult to fill due to the extent of our curriculum and the pace at which it is delivered.
Clarification of shorts under dresses.
After a few queries, we would just like to clarify the situation on shorts under dresses. Some children choose to wear small cycling shorts under their summer dresses or school skirts, this is their choice. It is to prevent them showing their knickers when spinning around on the bars or hanging upside down on the large equipment. Please be assured that this is not enforced by school, it is the children and their families choice. Spinning on bars is a completely usual childhood thing to do and it is perfectly fine to do with or without cycling shorts! Whatever makes the children feel the most comfortable should be the preferred option and we should all respect their choice. Thank you.