We had yet another magical Christmas time in school with visits from Santa and his main elf – both in person and in a helicopter! Thank you to Hawkstone Follies and RAF Shawbury for enabling these experiences. We enjoyed creating Christmas crafts and learning about the birth of baby Jesus. Classes R, 1&2 performed their Nativity beautifully and the whole school participated in the termly Church service. Our Christmas parties were a firm favourite with traditional games, quizzes, parachute games, disco and dancing activities and a whole lot of fun. We also enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch cooked onsite by our wonderful cooks. Thank you to everyone who made Christmas time for our children so special this year.
We have shown thoughtfulness and generosity to our local community through monetary donations to Shrewsbury Ark to support the homeless at Christmas and through our food collections for our local food bank in Market Drayton.