Guinea Pigs are here!

On Wednesday we went to pick the Guinea Pigs from Abbie’s Pets in Shrewsbury. We had spoken to the team there to arrange our visit, knowing that they were expecting the arrival of baby girls this week. Dolly and Reuben went to choose them with Mrs Lyall. As you can see from the photos there were quite a few to choose from, we wanted them to be different so they can be easily identified. One is mainly black with tan markings on her face, the other is a mixture of tan and white with black ears and black patching. They are both 10 weeks old and are sisters, they are adorable! Abbie’s pets team were fantastic.

Reuben, with support from Dolly has led the campaign to have a school pet as part of his House Captain pledge. He has shown dedication and commitment to this cause and deserves great praise for his achievements. Both children have thought carefully about every decision made, they have researched options and have fed back their findings. We are very proud of them. The next steps are to ensure our new pets are cared for, loved and welcomed by all in our school. We will ensure that children and staff are aware of how to handle and look after them and together we will take on this shared responsibility.

Look out for more information about our naming competition launching 31.1.25 with paper copies available from the school hall, 50p entry with proceeds going towards caring for them. Information for parents and carers about children’s consent to handle them is currently live on Parent Pay.

A shout out thank you to our PTA team who kindly offered to contribute funds to pay for the Guinea Pigs. As a school we have been raising money through bag sales to pay for food and bedding and will continue to raise funds to help towards the cost of owning them. We have received kind donations of equipment and funds, thank you to all involved, the children are delighted with the new members of our school team!