
Welcome back to the Autumn term, we look forward to an exciting term with many events planned and exciting curriculum opportunities on offer. Welcome also to our new starters, we look forward to working with you over the coming years as partners in your child’s education and we thank you for choosing Hodnet School.

To find out more about the coming term, please attend the curriculum and coffee mornings next week if you can, this will be an opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher, ask any questions and find out about the learning and key events for the term. The information will be sent home for those who are unable to attend.

  • Monday 9th Sept – classes 5&6, parents please attend in the classrooms, children will be registered in the school hall.
  • Tuesday 10th Sept – classes 3&4, parents please attend in the classrooms, children will be registered in the school hall.
  • Thursday 12th Sept – classes 1&2, parents please attend in the classrooms, children will be registered in the school hall.
  • Friday 13th Sept – class R parents please attend in the school hall, children will remain in the class.

Our school activity clubs will be back up and running next week, with Cookery starting on Tuesday and ActivSports running on Wednesday and Thursday. Our many lunchtime clubs will also start next week. We have a range on offer from homework and quiet club to chess, reading, choir, lego and creative clubs.

Our music enrichment starts next week with Miss Salt teaching Penny Whistle and Dood in classes 1,2,5 & 6, and 1:1 lessons resuming next week. Rock Steady started today and was a pleasure to hear as always. Please see our music curriculum page on our website for more information and informative links.

A reminder that swimming starts for classes 3&4 on Monday 16th September and will run for 6 weeks. Y5&6 will then start their swimming sessions for the remaining 4 weeks of the 10 week block booking. Please see the swimming letter for more details.

Diary dates for the term are on our website, a list is also on this newsletter within a separate post. Dates will be added throughout the term when trip and visits are booked, please keep up to date with events via our website.

Please contact school via admin@hod.318education.co.uk if you have any questions or queries, please also look at our website which has a wealth of up to date information to support families.

Safer Schools Award
Platinum School Games
Eco Bronze award
Asthma Friendly Award
Ofsted Good Provider 2018/19
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