
A reminder that full uniform is expected at all times. Even though we are approaching the end of term, that shouldn’t mean that we let pride in our uniform standards slip.  We wear our Hodnet blue, to show that we are part of our school team, we are smart, proud and ready to learn. We are also adhering to our school rules and values by wearing the correct uniform, as it is a school policy to wear it.

Uniform is a fundamental part of most schools and other organisations procedures, ensuring communities are unified. Our children will find high expectations of uniform standards right through their educational career, so we aim high from the beginning.

We also recognise that our children require parental support to ensure they are adhering to our uniform policy. Thank you to parents and families for your cooperation with this. 

Uniform Policy 2024 26

We have lots of uniform free to families due to the high number of good quality donations that we receive. Please pop into the lobby to take a look of you would like some.

Mrs Lyall, Headteacher.

Safer Schools Award
Platinum School Games
Eco Bronze award
Asthma Friendly Award
Ofsted Good Provider 2018/19
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