A polite reminder that we have limited space to store large bags due to small cloakrooms, many of which are within classrooms. Some excessive items can be an obstruction both in the classroom and the corridors. We now have 189 pupils on roll so we are finding some areas in school very busy. As stressed before the summer holidays, children do not need a large school bag, the best bags for storage are the rectangular book bag style bags which fit easily in trays and storage boxes. Over the coming years the PTA will continue to purchase these for Reception children when they start school, and the expectation will be that only these bags are used in school as children move through the classes.
Children are expected to bring to school daily:
- Their reading book and reading record/journal.
- Their water bottle.
- Their spelling folder for daily practise.
- Their homework/times table folders as necessary.
Please do not send pencil cases or any other equipment unless necessary such as glasses cases etc. PE bags (KS2) should remain in school for the week. Forest School kit (KS1) is either worn all day or changed into depending upon the class and a separate bag is required on that day. Please see your child’s teacher for more information.