Proud of class 6

Class 6 children completed their SAT’s testing this week. They all worked incredibly hard, showing determination and perseverance to complete the challenging tasks expected of them. We are incredibly proud of them and they should all feel proud of themselves, they gave it everything they could and that’s all that matters.

The care, support and generosity shown this week by the staff, both past and present, was very humbling to see. At Hodnet, we pride ourselves on supporting all our children and adapting our environments to ensure we give everyone the very best chance of success – this week was no exception. A huge thanks goes to the volunteers and staff who made this possible and to the rest of school for their patience and understanding. Thank you – we did it and we’re all relieved that its Friday!

Whilst the tests are important to showcase academic achievement, they are only a small fraction of education. Our pupils are kind, resourceful, resilient, courageous and successful in so many other ways. They are life long learners and will all eventually leave us with their heads held high. For that we are immensely proud.

Safer Schools Award
Platinum School Games
Eco Bronze award
Asthma Friendly Award
Ofsted Good Provider 2018/19
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