Unfortunately we have a large number of families in debt to school at the moment, mainly for school lunches or unpaid club use. Please can parents log into parents pay and clear debts, these will be shown as a red figure. Some may only seem like small amounts, however when added together as a collective, they are a significant amount of money for our school to burden.
Going forwards, we ask that school lunches are paid for by the end of the week at the very latest, ideally these will be paid in advance to avoid the build up of debt. Parent Pay enables amounts to be pre-loaded on to the system which will then count down as lunches are taken. Debt is always shown in red so is easy to see on Parent Pay.
Thank you for your continued support with this.
Please can all families check their debt status. Any significant debts will be notified by a letter and may result in children being unable to access the school lunch provision and/or the clubs.
Head swap reminder
A reminder that I am at St Martins School in Oswestry next week. Mrs Williams will be out of class and on hand to deal with any issues that may arise. Mrs Lovecy from St Martins will be in school.
See last weeks post for more information.
Moving up
On Tuesday 2nd July children will have the opportunity to move up to their next class and meet their new teacher. All teachers are remaining in their current year groups next year, no changes, however some Teaching Assistants are moving year groups.
On move up morning most Y6 pupils will be at their new school as this day fits in with the county agreed transition days. All children will move up after registration to their next class until playtime. They need to go to their normal class for registration at 8.45am as usual. Our new Reception children will spend the full day in school.
Move up sessions enable pupils to spend some time in their new class, meet their new staff, find out a little bit about the expectations of their new year group and ask any questions. Hopefully they will have exciting things to share with you about their new class when they come home. Some new pupils will be joining us for this session, to meet the people they will be with in September. We are delighted to share that we expect to have 192 pupils in September, with quite a few new children joining our school. This will be the largest we have ever been, which is great. We can have 210 pupils, so we do have some space, however this is now limited. We are aware and proud of the positive community reputation that we have, thank you to those who share this, and to those who know what a special place Hodnet School really is!
Times Tables superstars!
Well done to our Y4 pupils who completed the national Multiplication Tables Checker (MTC) this week. They all tried their best with this tricky, time bound test.
The MTC is a national test which all Y4 pupils are required to complete by the DFE. It is an online timed test of quick fire times tables questions. This test can be particularly tricky as it is fast, digitalised and there is no going back if the wrong digit is accidentally pressed, which can be off putting when in a timed situation. It takes a great deal of resilience to complete. We are very proud of everyone who worked hard on Times Tables Rock Stars in the run up to the test, meaning that they had developed their confidence to complete it. Times Tables knowledge is so beneficial for KS2 maths, so although this is a difficult test, the principles of learning tables is something that we encourage for successful learning.
Phonics superstars!
Well done to all our pupils who completed the phonics screening this week. They all tried their best and that’s all that we can ask for. We are very proud of you all.
The Phonics Screening assessment is a national test for all Y1 pupils and for any pupils in Y2 who either did not reach the expected level when in Y1, or who did not do the test when they were in Y1 for a range of reasons.
Our Phonics lead, Mrs Bessant, along with Mrs Batkin, completed the screening this week with all our pupils and were very impressed with them. Well done!
Sports Day Arrangements
Sports day will soon be upon us! Friday 21st June.
The arrangements this year are as follows:
- Any parents wishing to attend should arrive at school between 1-1.15pm
- The events will run as a carousel of activities, with the first activity starting at 1.15pm. Distance races will follow the carousel.
- Parents can move around the events with their children, swapping between events for those with multiple children.
- All children need to come to school in the PE kits, with a water bottle, sun hat and suncream already applied (hopefully this will be needed, we can hope!)
- Children will complete activities trying to win points for their house. Points will be collected as the afternoon goes on and the winning house will be announced at the end. With the sports and house captains leading their winning house in a lap of honour with our school cup.
- Photographs may be taken – but only of your children. These must not be shared on social media without the permission of all in the photo.
- Mobile phones should not be used, other than for taking photos.
- Sports day will end at 3.15pm.
We look forward to another great sports day event.
Weekly House Points 14.6.24
Weekly house point totals are:
Owls = 138
Badgers = 109
Squirrels = 129
Foxes = 113
Well done to the Owls team.
Celebrating Success. Book Worm 14.6.24
Well done to everyone who received awards or shoutouts this week, we are very proud of you.
- Class R – Isla
- Class 1 – William
- Class 2 – Niven
- Class 3 – Georgina
- Class 4 – Emily
- Class 5 – Grace
- Class 6 – Caitlyn
Congratulations to all our chosen Book Worms, your reading at home and school was excellent this week.
Remember to keep up those good reading habits.
Celebrating Success. Certificate of Achievement 14.6.24.
Well done to everyone who received awards or shout outs today. We are very proud of you.
- Class R – George, for completing writing tasks with enthusiasm.
- Class 1 – James, for a fantastic attitude to learning and making contributions in class in a respectful way.
- Class 2 – Scarlett R, for mush improved handwriting and determination to succeed.
- Class 3 – Kyaara, for fantastic use of descriptive language.
- Class 4 – for everyone!! For all their hard work with times tables.
- Class 5 – Graison, for high level of participation and focus this week, well done.
- Class 6 – Millie, for being a fantastic role model and using her initiative to help others.
- Headteacher’s KS1 award – All of class 1 for their fabulous phonics.
- Headteacher’s KS2 award – All of class 4 for their terrific times tables!
- Raffle ticket – Lola in class 3
- Lunchtime award – Josh in class 3, for trying a range of lunches this week, well done!
Lunch menu.
Next week is week 3
Follow the link to see the menu
Hodnet School Menu
Fathers Day Lunch
Thank you to all the dads, grandads and male role models who came in for lunch today. It was such a happy, lunchtime! It was great to see adults playing with their children and enjoying the surroundings – the weather took a little turn, but that didn’t stop the fun!
A huge thank you goes to our kitchen staff who prepared lunch for 322 people today!! Wow! The food was amazing, with lots of positive comments from all involved. We are all appreciative of the hard work that goes into these events. A fantastic team, yet again!
Freezy Fridays
Our PTA will be selling ice-creams on the rear school playground at 3.15pm every Friday until the end of term.
Costs are either 50p or £1 for a range of iced treats. Cash or card’s accepted.
All donations go towards PTA contributions to our school, and are greatly appreciated.