Published on: 7th June, 2024

Summer term week 8


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Ryan Sandhu

Unfortunately we are sharing the sad news of the tragic death of a former Hodnet pupil. Ryan, aged 21, was tragically killed last weekend in a horrific car crash in Birmingham. The details of which have been publicised on local news channels, including the arrests made in conjunction with this incident.

Ryan was the long term partner of a family member of a member of our staff team, he was well known and fondly remembered by members of our current staff. It is devastating news and our thoughts remain with his family and friends and all impacted by this tragic incident.

PTA Hodnet Treasure Trail

Come and join in the fun at the Hodnet Village Treasure Trail.

Treasure trail poster

Headteacher swap project

As part of Headteacher development opportunities, the 318 Education Trust run an annual project where headteachers ‘swap’ schools for a short period of time. This year, I have been paired with Mrs Sue Lovecy who is the headteacher at StMartins School in Oswestry. From Monday 17th to Wednesday 19th June I will be at St Martins and Mrs Lovecy will be at Hodnet. Mrs Williams will be out of class and on hand to support any issues that may arise and will guide Mrs Lovecy in the role of Headteacher at Hodnet. Likewise the deputy at St Martins will support me. This should be an interesting project enabling us to see how each of the schools are led and managed, it will be particularly interesting for me as St Martins is a through school catering for pupils aged 3 -16 (and probably a huge challenge – secondary is a whole different ball game!!).

Please continue to contact school in the normal ways, staff will be on hand to support you. If there is anything particularly urgent which requires my involvement, I am contactable and will ensure I am available.

Thank you for your continued support, wish me luck!

Mrs Lyall.

Class group photographs

Next Tuesday, 11th June, we will be welcoming Academy photography into school to take both the Y6 leavers photos and the class groups pictures. Please ensure children are in full uniform as per the daily expectations.

School bags and uniform

From this September onwards the PTA will purchase a suitable school bag for all Reception children as they start school. The blue reading book bags will then be expected to be used throughout KS1. No other bags will be required.

Our school building simply doesn’t have the space or capacity to store large rucksacks, the cloakrooms are bursting! Large backpacks are not required for school, children only need a small bag, ideally a reading folder style bag as these store very easily in bespoke storage boxes, leaving space in cloakrooms for coats. Every day, children need to bring their reading book, reading diary, any homework and spellings plus their water bottle. These relatively small items do not require a large bag and we will be clamping down on large bags from September, so we ask that parents support us and think twice before purchasing any large school bags for September.

Children in our current reception class or other classes who currently have a school book bag, please continue to use this next academic year.  Any children without a school book bag, who wisht o purchase one can do so from, they are a much cheaper and more manageable option for school.

A reminder that school uniform details are on our website. Uniform is expected to be worn by all pupils daily as per our uniform policy. Trainers and boots are not acceptable uniform choices and should not be worn, likewise leggings and cycling shorts should not be worn instead of trousers, shorts or skirts. Earrings should be a simple stud. We have a large selection of donated uniform available for free for families, please pop into school to take a look if you would like to make use of this.

Thank you for your continued support.

Safeguarding reminders.

A reminder once again of the age restrictions for some of the most popular apps, games or sites.

WhatsApp – age 13+

Fortnite – age 12+

Call of Duty – age 18+

Facebook, Instagram & TikToc – age 12+

Snapchat – age 13+

Roblox ranges from age 7+, age 10+ to age 12+ depending on the platform used, but does have chat rooms which can cause a specific danger to children if they are talking to unknown people.

Some of the above platforms or apps continue to cause unnecessary distress to our primary aged children and take up valuable school time dealing with issues that spill into school. We ask for parental support and encourage you to follow the age restriction guidance to safeguard all our children. 

Click here to visit our school website online safety page ,found within the Parents Area, with useful information about how to keep children safe online, up to date guidance and useful website links with important safeguarding advice.

Lunch menu.

Next week is week 2

Follow the link to see the menu

Hodnet School Menu

Celebrating Success. Certificate of Achievement 7.6.24.

Well done to everyone who received awards or shout outs today. We are very proud of you.

  • Class R – Hannah, for fantastic learning behaviours.
  • Class 1 – Betsy, for fantastic contributions in class, a superb role model.
  • Class 2 – Rhys, for demonstrating a good attitude to learning and making the right choices.
  • Class 3 – Wren, for working hard in writing and showcasing her positive attitude towards learning.
  • Class 4 – Olivia, for great perseverance in Maths.
  • Class 5 – Jack, for good participation and working hard in class with his table partner.
  • Class 6 – Jacob, for excellent effort and knowledge in his writing.
  • Headteacher’s KS1 award – Jake in class R, for his involvement and enthusiasm for learning.
  • Headteacher’s KS2 award – Harlow in class3, for her kindness towards others.
  • Raffle ticket – Bethan in class 6.
  • Lunchtime award – William L in class 2, for lovely lunchtime manners.

Celebrating Success. Book Worm 7.6.24

Well done to everyone who received awards or shoutouts this week, we are very proud of you.

  • Class R – Hattie
  • Class 1 – Megan
  • Class 2 – Scarlett J
  • Class 3 – Erin
  • Class 4 – Laila-Ivy
  • Class 5 – Sophia
  • Class 6 – Harry

Congratulations to all our chosen Book Worms, your reading at home and school was excellent this week.

Remember to keep up those good reading habits.

Weekly House Points 7.6.24

Weekly house point totals are:

Owls = 155

Badgers = 168

Squirrels = 150

Foxes = 120

Well done to the Badgers team.

Building work – a new roof at last!

We are delighted to share that we have a date set for a new roof for the front section of school above classes 4, 5 & 6. The work will commence from Monday 22nd July for the first 4 weeks for the summer holidays. The project will include the demolition of the canopy area, restoration of the guttering area and will use the same style roofing tiles as the lobby area roof.

This essential project has been a particularly long time coming and has been an ongoing fight for many many months with the first leaks being reported over 12 months ago. Classes 5 & 6 have put up with many leaks, including constant streams of water running down the wall in class 6 and open ceilings with exposed insulation due to damaged ceiling tiles. The dreadful weather has meant that the leaks have had little time to dry up before starting again. These environments have simply been unacceptable, hence the huge ongoing fight to successfully get this project underway. We are thankful to the children and staff for their patience throughout this time.

Shropshire council have now acknowledged this huge need and have agreed to fund this project even though we have now academised, which we are grateful for.

There should be little or no disruption to school life as this project is expected to be completed within the summer holidays.