End of year message from Mrs Lyall
As we come to the end of this academic year, we would like to thank our children for their hard work, kindness and positive learning attitudes. Our children have engaged in their learning and the wider opportunities on offer in school with diligence and pride, and we are incredibly proud of them.
I would also like to thank our families for consistent and valuable support for school. We have a strong sense of community at Hodnet school, something which we are again very proud of. We value working together to ensure the best for our young people, and thank those who work with us.
We are incredibly lucky to have a highly skilled and dedicated team of staff at Hodnet, who work tirelessly to ensure our children can achieve socially and academically, and I want to thank them for another successful year. Many of our dedicated staff have been long standing members of our team and our community, Hodnet is definitely a place where people want to stay! The trust have acknowledged the greatness within our team, showing an awareness of the contribution that many of our staff can bring to the trust, and always speaking highly of us as a school, which has been a pleasure to hear and makes me feel very privileged in my role as Headteacher. Hodnet really is a very special place!
I’d also like to thank our governors and our PTA, both teams of dedicated volunteers who give up their time to support and guide our school. Our PTA has organised many events to raise money for our children, ensuring that they can have fun at discos, performances and treasure hunts whilst raising money to equip school with ipads, dictionaries, books and much more. Our governors have driven us through positive changes this year whilst continuing to strive for success for all children.
There have been many highlights this year;
- developing wider partnerships through our academisation and the opportunities for our children and staff as a result,
- our enrichment clubs offer, ensuring that all children have opportunities to thrive and feel successful, from lego, choir, sewing, reading to chess and beyond, we’ve tried to cater for all,
- the outcomes that our children have achieved in all year groups, from end of unit tests to statutory national assessments, they have given their all, as have the staff, and the children have blown us away with their outcomes,
- our brilliant trips, visits and visitors, London being a magical highlight once again,
- our sporting success and more importantly sporting attitude – our children are always the first to shake hands after a game, congratulate others or nominate others for sporting awards, showcasing their respectful attitudes, something to be very proud of.
After a very busy year, I’d like to wish you all a wonderful summer break. Hopefully we can enjoy some sunshine and family time and refresh ready for the new term.
Stay safe, have fun, see you in September.
Mrs Lyall, Headteacher.
Breakfast Club and Wraparound Care bookings
A reminder to please book the sessions in advance. Bookings close on Thursdays for the following week. This year our staff have been accommodating by changing or adding to bookings, this will be less available next academic year as our numbers grow, so please book early to avoid disappointment. We will be unable to receive last minute bookings.
Bookings for the first week back in September will close on Thursday 29th August at midnight.
Thank you for your cooperation with this.
Pupil Survey Results
See a link to our pupil survey results below.
We are very proud of the results from this survey, it is overwhelmingly positive from the vast majority of our school community, highlighting that on the whole our children feel safe, happy, successful, supported by staff and peers, they enjoy school and they would recommend our school to others.
Exactly what we aim for; we are delighted and will to continue this good work next year. We will also continue to listen to our children and act on their feedback.
Pupil Survey results June 2024
House point winners
The house with the highest total number of points this term is the:
Foxes team!
Congratulations to them. They have worked incredibly hard to earn the points for their learning achievements, behaviour, attitude and contributions. Well done.
Foxes – 1531 points
Badgers – 1321 points
Squirrels – 1121 points
Owls – 1048 points
This year the house with the highest total number of points is also the:
Foxes team!
Autumn term points total |
Spring term
Points total |
Summer term points total |
Overall yearly total |
Foxes |
610 |
1132 |
1531 |
3273 |
Badgers |
632 |
906 |
1321 |
2859 |
Owls |
671 |
848 |
1048 |
2567 |
Squirrels |
606 |
641 |
1121 |
2368 |
Well done to everyone who contributed to their house this year. A fantastic number of house points.
School bags and uniform for September
From this September onwards the PTA will purchase a suitable school bag for all Reception children as they start school. The blue reading book bags will then be expected to be used throughout KS1. No other bags will be required.
Our school building simply doesn’t have the space or capacity to store large rucksacks, the cloakrooms are bursting! Large backpacks are not required for school, children only need a small bag, ideally a reading folder style bag as these store very easily in bespoke storage boxes, leaving space in cloakrooms for coats. Every day, children need to bring their reading book, reading diary, any homework and spellings plus their water bottle. These relatively small items do not require a large bag and we will be clamping down on large bags from September, so we ask that parents support us and think twice before purchasing any large school bags for September.
Children in our current reception class or other classes who currently have a school book bag, please continue to use this next academic year. Any children without a school book bag, who wish to purchase one can do so from stitchdesign.co.uk, they are a much cheaper and more manageable option for school.
A reminder that school uniform details are on our website. Uniform is expected to be worn by all pupils daily as per our uniform policy. Trainers and boots are not acceptable uniform choices and should not be worn, likewise leggings and cycling shorts should not be worn instead of trousers, shorts or skirts. Earrings should be a simple stud. New uniform can be purchased from stitchdesign and delivered to your home address. We have a large selection of donated uniform available for free for families, please pop into school to take a look if you would like to make use of this.
Thank you for your continued support.
Reception 2025/26 Open Morning
Do you have a child due to start Reception in September 2025, or do you know someone who has? If so, please come along to our Open Morning on Wednesday 16th October 2024, 10am – 11am to find out more about our wonderful school.
New intake flyer Oct 24
September key dates
A reminder that school reopens to pupils on Tuesday 3rd September.
Other key early dates for diaries:
- DEAR – Friday 6th September 3pm
- Curriculum & Coffee meeting for Y5&6 on Monday 9th September at 8.45 – 9.15 in classes.
- Curriculum & Coffee meeting for Y3&4 on Tuesday 10th September at 8.45 – 9.15 in classes.
- Curriculum & Coffee meeting for Y1&2 on Thursday 12th September at 8.45 – 9.15 in classes.
- Curriculum & Coffee meeting for YR on Friday 13th September at 8.45 – 9.15 in the hall.
- Cookery club starts – Tuesday 10th September, 3.15 -4.15 (fully booked)
- Activsports clubs begin on Wednesday 11th September and will run on Wed & Thursdays. Book directly with Activsports.
- Swimming starts for Y3&4 on Monday 16th September for 6 weeks.
- Reception class Phonics workshop – Monday 16th September 2.15-3.15pm
- MacMillan coffee afternoon – Friday 27th September from 2pm.
- Book fair from Friday 27th September – Wednesday 2nd October, after school in the hall.
Goodbye Y6

Wishing our fabulous year 6 pupils the very best of luck for their onward learning journeys.
Y6 – You’ve been amazing, we are very proud of you, now go forwards with your heads held high, embrace the opportunities at your secondary schools and always remember to live out the school values and be the best that you can be!