Penny Lyall
Headteacher & Safeguarding DSL
Governor Category: Headteacher, Ex-Officio.
Mr Steven Freeman
Governor Category: Elected Chair of Governors (Chair until 30.09.25)
Appointed By: Board of Trustees on 06.02.2024
Term of Office: Term of office ends 22.11.25
Steve has a background in Health and Safety and site management. He has employment links with a national construction company.
Mrs Clare Godfrey
Governor Category: Elected Vice Chair of Governors. (Vice until 30.09.25)
Curriculum Links: Clare is our Behaviour and Attendance and Education Standards link governor.
Appointed By: Board of Trustees on 02.06.2024
Term of Office: Term of office ends 01.06.27
Clare has a medical background, currently a local paramedic.
Mrs Lucy Underwood
Governor Category: Appointed Governor
Curriculum Links: Lucy is our SEND, Special Groups, Equality and Inclusion, Education Standards and Personal Development Link governor.
Appointed By: Board of Trustees on 06.02.2024
Term of Office: Term of Office ends on 26.11.26
Lucy has a teaching background and a specialism in SEND. Lucy has employment links to Chester university and Edvocation SEND Services.
Mrs Emma Clarke
Governor Category: Parent governor
Curriculum Links: Emma is our Finance, Risk Management and Health and Safety Link Governor.
Appointed By: Board of Trustees on 06.02.2024
Term of Office: Term of office ends 28.6.25
Emma has a finance background. She has employment links to a local accountancy firm.
Mrs Emma Thorpe
Governor Category: Appointed Governor
Curriculum Links: Emma is our Behaviour and Attendance, Personal Development, Finance, Risk Management and Health and Safety Governor.
Appointed By: Board of Trustees on 06.02.2024
Term of Office: Term of office ends 22.3.26
Emma has a background in food science and management.
Mrs Jenny Rogers
Governor Category: Parent Governor
Curriculum Links: Jenny Rogers is our school Safeguarding Link Governor.
Appointed By: Board of Trustees on 06.02.2024
Term of Office: Term of office ends 23.05.25
Jenny has a social care background as a social worker.
Laura Bessant
Class 1 Teacher
Governor Category: Staff Governor
Appointed By: Board of Trustees on 01.05.2024
Term of Office: Term of Office ends on 30.04.2027
You can read more documents relating to our Governing body over on our Governance page:
Governance Page