Unfortunately we have a large number of families in debt to school at the moment, mainly for school lunches or unpaid club use. Please can parents log into parents pay and clear debts, these will be shown as a red figure. Some may only seem like small amounts, however when added together as a collective, they are a significant amount of money for our school to burden.
Going forwards, we ask that school lunches are paid for by the end of the week at the very latest, ideally these will be paid in advance to avoid the build up of debt. Parent Pay enables amounts to be pre-loaded on to the system which will then count down as lunches are taken. Debt is always shown in red so is easy to see on Parent Pay.
Thank you for your continued support with this.
Please can all families check their debt status. Any significant debts will be notified by a letter and may result in children being unable to access the school lunch provision and/or the clubs.