Well done to everyone who received awards or shout outs today. We are very proud of you.
- Class R – Oliver, for demonstrating kindness to others.
- Class 1 – Megan, for joining in enthusiastically in all areas of the curriculum.
- Class 2 – Ewan, for trying hard and persevering with his sewing.
- Class 3 – Wren, for working hard and demonstrating excellent learning behaviours.
- Class 4 – Finn, for excellent effort with this news report writing.
- Class 5 – Lewis, for increased focus in the classroom, keep it up!
- Class 6 – Poppy, for super prop creation.
- Headteachers – Eva, for always going the extra mile, showcased this week though her self initiated extra home learning. What a star!
- Raffle ticket – Laila-Ivy in class 4.
- Lunchtime award – Freddie in Class 3 for being polite and making good choices.