We are delighted to share that we have a date set for a new roof for the front section of school above classes 4, 5 & 6. The work will commence from Monday 22nd July for the first 4 weeks for the summer holidays. The project will include the demolition of the canopy area, restoration of the guttering area and will use the same style roofing tiles as the lobby area roof.
This essential project has been a particularly long time coming and has been an ongoing fight for many many months with the first leaks being reported over 12 months ago. Classes 5 & 6 have put up with many leaks, including constant streams of water running down the wall in class 6 and open ceilings with exposed insulation due to damaged ceiling tiles. The dreadful weather has meant that the leaks have had little time to dry up before starting again. These environments have simply been unacceptable, hence the huge ongoing fight to successfully get this project underway. We are thankful to the children and staff for their patience throughout this time.
Shropshire council have now acknowledged this huge need and have agreed to fund this project even though we have now academised, which we are grateful for.
There should be little or no disruption to school life as this project is expected to be completed within the summer holidays.