ActivSports changes

With mixed emotions we share that Miss Rowson is leaving us next week as our ActivSports Sports Coach. We will be very sad to see her go, she has been a part of our school community for many years and is a superb coach. But, we are pleased for her as she is taking on a new role as a full time Sports Coach in a large school in Telford. A job which I’m sure she will excel at. We will miss her greatly, I’m sure you will all join with us in wishing her the very best of luck for the future.

The coach replacing Miss Rowson is Mr Woods. He has been to work alongside Miss Rowson last week and has met the classes. He will lead one of our weekly PE sessions for classes 1, 2, 5, & 6 in September. Mr Roberts with lead a weekly session for classes 3 & 4. Class teachers will lead the other weekly sessions as they do currently.

Safer Schools Award
Platinum School Games
Eco Bronze award
Asthma Friendly Award
Ofsted Good Provider 2018/19
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